EDUCATION ビデオ&ポッドキャスト
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Global Creative Advocate, Hester Wernert-Rijn shares her personal story and how her AUTHENTIC BEAUTY CONCEPT journey started
Local Advocate Michelle Tanner, Owner of salon The Place in Zug/Switzerland, shares insights and inspiration on how to grow your salon business.
Local Advocate Michelle Tanner, Owner of salon The Place in Zug/Switzerland, shares why going beyond hair is the key to salon success.
ハイドレート ヘアマスクの使い方. 乾燥している髪に潤いを与え、健康的で美しい髪へ導く集中トリートメント。パワーがあるの に軽いつけ心地の集中ケア用ヘアマスク。髪に潤いを与えながらしっとり艶やかに仕上げます。